
Showing posts from August, 2023


 "believe in the lord Jesus and you will be saved." that sentiment is so easy to understand. I wish that more people really just did that. Opening your heart to the possibility of God's love is something that I am so blessed to have done. I know that God is watching over all of us and guiding us through this world.  In the Bible it never says that believing in God would give you the easy road or all the worldly abundance but you are a child of the most powerful. Even when you read the Bible its not all good. His believers were handed very difficult things but still persevered. I think that is the biggest misconception of the being a believer. God is not here to make your life easier. He is here to make you a better person and to learn things when you are on this Earth. He is here to guide you to the life that he has planned for you. Everyone forgets that the other side of the coin, the devil, is also working against us.  with that being said, I know that I truly love God ...

Today 8/21/23

 My new favorite quote is "The pain of discipline or the pain of regret, you choose." That has hit me hard I will forever remember that. I will always choose discipline because my biggest fear is regret. I have always been afraid of regretting things I haven't done more than anything. I am not afraid of death or anything else.  I know that when I grow older and I look back on my life I will have the experiences that I will have and the memories that I will cherish but I will try everyday to not have any regrets.  I feel like right now is a turning point in my life. My eyes are open and I feel more connected to who I am as a person more than ever. I feel disconnected from a lot of the other menial things that happen day to day.  I refuse to be another rat in the race. I want to experience the life I see for myself to the fullest.  Today I didn't have to work my 9-5 job and it was so freeing. I will find a way to get that everyday. I dont want to be controlled by ...

My Big Dream list

 My big dream list -visit all the countries that I want to visit.  -be free from the "system" -be surrounded by like minded people  -have a true love story -retire early (financial freedom) -pay off my parents debt/take care of them -own land and a custom built house, decorated the way I want.  -try all the things at least once -have grace, courage, honesty, patience BE NOT AFRAID this list may not be long but I truly believe this is life fulfillment for me. 

I promise to myself...

       I have big dreams for this life I was given. I no longer want to settle for the normal, boring life. the rat race that we all do for 67 years and then we retire just doesn't seem to be fulfilling. I have only been alive for 35 years but in those 35 years I have learned many lessons. Life was never meant to be easy or with out struggle because in those struggles you learn the lessons.       The hardest lesson that I have learned is that you are nothing without you. People can tell you anything you want to hear but when you are alone and in your thoughts the only person there is you. You are the only person with you all the time. If you dont like who you are or what you are doing then you are responsible for that change no one else. Its wonderful to have loving people around you but even then you face life on your own. that is pure strength to me. To wake up everyday and see yourself in the mirror and accept who you are and what you are doing...